第807章 海巨人的世界(重生唐三实体书15册)

















































Of course, because the number of sea races in the endless blue sea is too huge, although it is a cohesive qi, but the overall improvement of the sea race still needs a long, long time.

Five days later, the Sea Giant Middle Pillar King personally came to wait for Tang San on the Moon Island again.

Only after Tang San finished his meditation did he meet it.

“Zhongzhu King, what’s the word from the Sea Heaven Tree King?” Tang San asked in an open-minded manner.

The Sea Giant Middle Pillar King said in a deep voice; “I told it the general situation. First of all, the Sea Sky Tree King has great admiration for you, and it can already feel the blessings you bring to the entire Endless Blue Sea. But it was still more or less hesitant, after all, the migration of an entire race, and a race like them, involved a lot of things.”

Tang San nodded and said; “I understand, we won’t force it. How about this, I’ll go with you to see the specifics. We also need to assess whether the Sea Sky Tree tribe, as well as your Sea Giant tribe, is suitable to migrate over. I think suitability is the most important thing, and if it is simply to help the humans and hurt your two races, it is not a situation I wish to see.”

Sea Giant Middle Pillar King eyes in respect obviously more a few points, respectfully once again bowed to Tang San, said; “Thank you for your understanding.”

Tang San said; “Then let’s head here, sister Mei, you come with me.”

“Good.” Mei Gongzi had been accompanying Tang San these few days to cultivate, although she couldn’t obtain the power of faith, the power of faith Tang San obtained was basically enriched in his divine sense, and in his divine sense, it was likewise associated with the Shura Divine Sword, so it was also a kind of nurturing for the Shura Divine Sword, and even Mei Gongzi’s divine sense had improved a lot during this period of time. Obviously, it was much faster than the speed at which it was raised in the White Tiger Palace.

When you get above the divine level, the improvement of divine sense is much more important than the improvement of body energy. The divine sense determines the future, the potential. Cultivation to improve the absorption of heaven and earth spiritual energy is good, the most important thing on the goblin continent is not lacking in heaven and earth spiritual energy. But the divine consciousness is enhanced by perception, by the cohesion of the spirit. Like this coalescence of the power of faith to enhance their divine sense, only Tang San such an existence with the position of gods and goddesses can. Therefore, he is unique in the entire Dharan Star.

The beautiful grandson could even feel that if Tang San hadn’t deliberately suppressed it, he should have been able to raise it to the ten – rank in a short time as well.

The Sea Giant Middle Pillar King leads the way and is responsible for guiding the direction. Tang San with the Tower of Space and Time to take it and the beauty of the son for long-distance directional transmission.

The so-called long-distance directional teleportation is to identify a direction and directly teleport out five hundred kilometers. Then reorientation, and then continue to teleport.

This is undoubtedly a dumb way. But because there is no specific coordinates of the sea giant race, so the first trip will have to do.

Sea Giant Middle Pillar King personally felt Tang San this powerful teleportation ability, but also can not help but sigh in awe. It asked itself in the sea, he is already extremely fast existence, but compared with this spatial teleportation, but there is still a huge gap.

After dozens of teleportation and calibration direction, finally came to the main settlement of the sea giant race near.

Hovering above the sea, the sea giant king took out a large turquoise blue conch and blew it in his mouth.

At once, a strange sound wave spread out.

Soon, the sea surged, a huge figure began to emerge from the sea.

The adult Sea Giants are at least fifty meters tall, and some of the strongest will even exceed a hundred meters. They also got their name from this. When they die and turn into sea pillars, they will be ten times more massive, a very peculiar race.

Hundreds of sea giants emerged from the sea, all bowing in the direction of the Sea Giant Pillar King.

The king of the pillar gave way to some figure, revealing the Tang San beside him, said in a deep voice; “This is the contemporary sea god. Lead the way ahead and return to the palace.”

“Greetings to Lord Sea God.” Obviously, the sea giant race also already knew that there was Tang San, the sea god, appeared, and similarly bowed to him in greeting.

Tang San nodded his head and returned the salute.

The sea giants slowly separated to the two sides, above the sea, the sea water split to both sides, actually revealed a ladder to the sea. This ladder even has a kind of a glance can not see the edge of the feeling.

“Lord Sea God, please.” The sea giant pillar king made a gesture of invitation to Tang San, and then took the lead to step downward.

These steps are very huge, obviously designed according to the sea giant’s body shape, all the steps are formed by seawater, and the blue steps keep going down.

Tang San held the hand of the beautiful son, followed the sea giant pillar king down and down. After they passed the sponge, both sides of the steps, it was as if seawater formed a wall. Through the seawater, numerous sea creatures could be seen.

Those sea giants did not take the ladder, but just dived down the seawater on both sides, guarding the sides. This ladder is obviously not anyone is qualified to walk.

Looking at the strange scenery around, the beauty grandson could not help but look amazed. If she hadn’t followed Tang San, I’m afraid she wouldn’t have seen such a magical sight in her lifetime!

Gradually, along with deeper into the sea, the surrounding light began to become dim, but walking in front of the sea giant in the pillar king, naturally emitted a light blue corona, will be illuminated around.

In the deep sea, the number of marine creatures began to decrease. More than a thousand meters deep, there are only some strange-looking sea creatures still around.

Until the depth of about fifteen hundred meters, a palace under the sea was presented in their view.

This is actually a wooden palace, palace rolling, covering a large area under the sea. More surprisingly, not far from this palace, a huge tree is hidden. The entire palace is covered by a layer of light blue halo, very strange.

Although the sea giant in the pillar king has been described before, but when Tang San and Mei Gongzi see that sea sky tree with their own eyes, still can not help but have a feeling of shock.

Because the sea floor light is not good, can not identify how tall these sea sky trees, but vaguely can also identify, there are many giant trees to more than a thousand meters.

The ladder kept sending them to the bottom of the sea, to the huge palace before. Sea giant in the pillar king propped up a layer of blue light shield, will Tang San and the beauty of the gongzi enveloped within, blocking the water pressure outside.

Because of the huge size of the sea giant, so they the size of the palace is also huge. After reaching the bottom of the sea, Tang San and Mei Gongzi both need to look up to see the loftiness of the palace in front of them.

The shortest part of the huge palace is more than a hundred meters high, and when they arrived here, they were equivalent to entering the land of giants.

The palace doors were wide open, and in front of the doors, four sea giants with huge bodies were waiting there, and from the crowns on their heads, it was clear that these were all kings of the sea giant clan, and the aura on each of them was extremely powerful. At least two of them were at the eleventh-order cultivation level, and the remaining two should also be at the peak of the tenth-order.

Seeing the arrival of the Sea Giant Middle Pillar King, they all nodded slightly in greeting. The Sea Giant Middle Pillar King stepped aside and introduced to them; “These two are Lord Sea God as well as the Lord of Garry City on the Goblin Continent.”

The four sea giant kings looked at Tang San and the beautiful grandson and all bowed slightly, saluting them. Tang San returned the salute with a nod of his head with Duke Mei.

The Sea Giant Middle Pillar King made a gesture of invitation before walking into the palace together.

Inside the palace, the first thing that caught the eye was a huge pillar. These huge pillars support the palace, so that everything here is emitting a strong energy aura. The water element aura here is the strongest Tang San has seen since he came to this world. Obviously, the architecture of the palace itself, is also the crystallization of the wisdom and strength of the sea giant tribe of unknown generations of powerful people.